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Pokrov- spiritually religious movement that was found by Archipokrovitel Nikolai, who is the spiritual leader of this movement.

What is Pokrov? This is our and God's protection. It protects us from the impacts of negative energy.

For example, it is like a snow cover, which protects the grass from frosting, wind and other adverse effects.

Some people have this defense developed more and others have it less. Pokrov it is the same biofield- everywhere it can be: people, animals, plants, things, home, city, and in the country. Presence of the Pokrov in the given house, city, country is depending on the founded people in this place and the events that occur in the period of a certain time,

whatever the energy exists in people- the same energy is Pokrov.

Our world is near to the upcoming Apocalypses. There are many apocalypses that have been before us, many religions and other sources have confirmed it. It is when the biggest part of the population was destroyed, and there was left a small amount of people that were chosen by God - which were the cleanest people from whom the humanity is continued to

develop. Right now, you see yourself that situation in the world is periodically getting worse, from each century, decades and years. By the last time, there were the biggest wars. In the 20th century, more than 100 million people have died in the wars. More people are dying from natural cataclysms. Although it should be another way around, with the development of technology and science, everything should get to better. It all depends on the Pokrov in the given placement. If to change the energy to a better way, we change automatically energy of people that surround us and where we are located. If many residents of the earth will be doing it, then we can change the bipole of Earth to a better way, move and even avoid Apocalypsys. However, it is not a limit, if we are going to maximum change to a better way and change others on the distance of a long time- then here on Earth, we will have heaven. It is when everyone will get joy and living strength, from that you are helping and living because of the happiness of others.

  Why is our movement has begun now? Because it is a critical time for changing the world in a better way. Any slowness can cost the further death of our kids and grandchildren.


1.The main objectives of the Pokrov movement.   


A) To unite God believers from the different religions into one faith of God. During all of humanity, until the present time. There are many wars, warrior conflicts, and clashes between people happen on a religious basis.

Most of the religions consider themselves as true ones, but other religions consider themselves mistaking or hostile. By these reasons, people are suffering and dying. Our movement is accepting and helping all of the believers from any religion, who are joining our big family and become Pokrovitel.

The time will come when people will be equal and will be one religion in the whole world, one faith in God and one government that will be chosen by the people of the whole Earth. The borders between the nations and countries will disappear. There will be a free movement of people and products in the whole world. The choice for anybody in free

living in any part of the world. The single constitution and law. This time is close. Many people who read this text, your children - will catch this time.   

B) The Pokrov movement does not have particular borders that would separate our religion from others. Our aspiration is the opposite- knowing as much as possible: religion, spirituality, alternative medicine, paranormal, comparison all of it and acceptance of everything the best- in comparison and knowledge of finding the true faith in one God. In the present moment, our religion is the only one in the world that does not put borders for other religions and believers.

C)The development of an extrasensory sensitivity in ourselves. When using an extrasensory sensitivity, we can feel its energy which is coming from other people, the energy surrounding us and energy that comes from God. By developing in ourselves psychic sensitivity, thereby we can know and feel the energy  is from God and God is present. Secondly, in the extrasensory sensitivity- it is we can feel God’s presence. Afterward, we will be able to operate with this energy for our own benefit. At first, we need to learn to manage our chakras and energy. Afterward, we need to learn to manage with the energy of others, to configure the power from us for our own benefit, to continue adjusting, and obtaining positive energy from God. This is all realistic, anybody who wishes can do it - the only things that are necessary is faith, time and wishes.

E) We provide training for Pokrovitels, by meditating, controlling the work of the organs, extra-sensory sensitivity, development of intuition, energy management, operating with the energy, concentration, and much more.  

F) Each person has a karma or destiny that is given in life. One person has an easy and happy life, whereas another person has some serious problems and grief. Any person could change their karma in a better way. This is why it is mandatory to change ourselves and our energy. By changing ourselves, we change the world that surrounds us and our karma.

G) We support the politicians, parties, movements, and individuals, who're aim - objects for the voluntary of people, nations, and religions.  


2. The Pokrovitels are all, who stood on the Pokrov way, who accept and support the basis of the Pokrov movement.


A) First Staged Pokrovitels (basic). Anyone who accepted the Pokrov movement as the basic religion in their life is considered as a Pokrovitel. How to become the Pokrovitel of the first stage? You need to choose your religious - Pokrov way.

It should be acknowledged as much as possible in this and work on yourself. Open on the internet, on any website your own page and put the link or banner of our website. Register in any of the section of our website and make your own page or


B) The Pokrovitels of the second stage. The Pokrovitel of the second stage could get the full help and knowledge from regional Pokrovitel fourth stage, from your region. How to be a Pokrovitel of the second stage? At first, you must be a Pokrovitel of the first stage.  Afterward, a person needs to contact the fourth stage Pokrovitel in his or her area. This person also must pay a one-time fee of $100 in the beginning and in the future contribute $10 per month.

C) The third stage Pokrovitels are getting the full help, lessons, and consultations from Archipokrovitel Nikolai. How to become a Pokrovitel of the third stage? You must be a Pokrovitel of the second stage. The recommendation letter is mandatory from your regional Pokrovitel and your treatment to Archipokrovitel Nikolai. Further, the full information is given to you, how to become the Pokrovitel of the third stage.

D)  Fourth-Staged Pokrovitels are divided into three groups.

- Master Pokrovitels - 22 people, who are learning and working with Archipokrovitel Nikolai. This is the best Pokrovitels that have a lot of knowledge and working experience in Pokrov. They are located in the different places of our planet and work on the distance. Nobody from them is not advertising themselves anywhere. If you have internet, try to find the website, advertisement from one of these Pokrovitels. Then it is not true and it is a lie.

- Regional Pokrovitels - Pokrovitels that have the biggest experience of work in Pokrov, by religion, alternative medicine and paranormal. Every regional Pokrovitel is standing at the head of the region, which he is working and is giving the services to the Pokrovitels of the second stage of their own region. All of the regional Pokrovitels of the fourth stage are provided with the free web hosting with the personal website.

The list of regional Pokrovitels of the fourth stage is given here.

(If you found on the internet website of the fourth stage regional Pokrovitel and on the home page of this website, there is no link on our website and list of regional Pokrovitel. And this person is not on the list of the regional Pokrovitel. This means that it is a false Pokrovitel. We do not take any responsibility by his and his actions.)

- Sponsored Pokrovitels, the Pokrovitels that are helping meaningly for a long time. They are significantly helping and sponsoring our movement.

How to become a fourth stage Pokrovitel? The person must be a Pokrovitel of a third Step. The person must have a big and good experience in being a Pokrovitel. The person must accept active participation in the Pokrov movement. In order to consult an Archipokrovitel Nikolai in order to get further the full information.

E) Fifth Stage Pokrovitel. In the present time, the fifth Stage Pokrovitel is the only main Archipokrovitel Nikolai.